City of Highland
Greenspot Road Bridge
Construction of a new 4-lane, 98’-wide bridge across Santa Ana River approximately 250’ downstream from the existing iron bridge. Realignment of approximately 3,500 feet of Greenspot Road, providing 2 travel lanes with paved shoulders and a large radius curve. Rehabilitation of the historic iron bridge to provide for pedestrian, equestrian and bicycle uses.
The Greenspot Road Improvement
(SR-210 to Boulder Avenue) included construction of street widening, curbs and gutters, decorative LED street lights, landscaped medians, storm drains, traffic signals and utility improvements. The project also widened the westbound SR-210 on and off ramps at Greenspot Road.
Jeffrey Court Senior Apartment
Constructed in 1998, Jeffrey Court is a 184 unit senior apartment community with onsite recreation (pool , garden, etc) and access to transportation for medical appointments & community services. The residents are very low and low income (55+ seniors). There is also an on-site manager.